"Crista with Cross"  Oils on canvas  40" x 30"

Based on a self portrait over the pain that I was feeling during that time. I have always expected unconditional love from people. The only one who offers daily unconditional LOVE, is God!

We may suffer a great deal, and lots of people do not care!

He bore our sins, He bore the cross, so we don't have to carry it!aWhile we were sinners, He died for us., a

Expresionismo de MARIA TUMA

Ghandi, DeGaulle, Golda Meir, Kruschev, Mao, Hitler, JESUS, Kennedy, Maria Tuma (me),
Juan Carlos, Churchill, Martin Luther King, Pope John XIII

" Last of the Last Suppers" Oils on Canvas 8' x 4'

Everlasting peace!
The idea of melting the weapons to make the base of a table for the world to eat on
came to me only to find out later on, that the Bible in the book of Micah 4:3 teaches that..."they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more"!

" La Ultima Cena", óleo por Maria Tuma

"Crista" Oils on canvas 16" x 22"

"Cristo" Oils on Canvas 16" x 20"


"La Marsellaise Cubana" Oils 36" x 42"
Pintura de oleo recordando a Elian Gonzalez

Posters sold for $20.size: 20" x 18", sent rolled in a tube...Based on the saga of little Elián González, who was rescued from the Atlantic Ocean due to a ship wreck of cubans, who left Cuba because of communism; on Thanksgiving Day 1999.
His mother gave her life to give her son FREEDOM, she, and little Elian, were
betrayed by President Clinton!

" Flying Away from the Storm" 30" x 30" Oil on canvas.

Bailarin de ballet volando, alejandose de la tormenta mientras lo
acompaña El Espiritu Santo

"RESCATE" Oils on canvas 40" x 30" A self portrait.

Giglées available, same size: $800. and smaller call about size and price.
Jesus rescata a Cuba

"Remembering Swan Lake" 36" x 60" Oil on canvas

Exhibited at ARDEX GALLERY, Biltmore Way Coral, Gables Florida.

done 2006

" María de Arco" After Joan of Arc (a self portrait)"
Oils on canvas 30" x 40"

Done in 2006

NEXT: Animals and Birds

Piano: Raul di Blasio

Maria Tuma
11320 N.W. 58 Place
Hialeah, Fla. 33012



Art & Web design by: M. Tuma © 2004  PHONE: (305) 822-2799  EMAIL:  mariatuma@bellsouth.net